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 Selecting the seed is
 the first step of a good

 We use only certified hybrid  seeds, which guarantee the
 healthy growth of the plant,
 thus controlling the variety,
 size, shape and pungency level
 of the product.

Using different planting
techniques and care for each variety, seeds are planted in
greenhouses which are constantly monitored in
order to have total control
of their development.  
In these greenhouses, the  
temperature, the relative  
humidity, and fungus  
diseases of the soil are  
controlled, assuring the
healthy growth of each plant.
Each plant is now ready for  

Before transplanting, the soil
is prepared and leveled for maximum water drainage to avoid root diseases.

The soil is then prepared with fertilizers, fungicides and pesticides in order to promote
strong and vigorous root growth.

 Soil is covered with long
 strips of clear or black
 plastic, which allows us to 
 control the growth of weeds, 
 and to maintain the
 appropriate temperature
 and humidity according to the
 planting season.
 Transplants are set in two lines
 per bed or single row, with
 appropriate distance between
 them so each plant may absorb
 the water and nutrients from
 the soil; this technique
 stimulates the rapid growth of
 each crop.

The amount of water used
for each crop may vary depending on the plant foliage,
temperature or relative
humidity of the atmosphere. We use different irrigation techniques to obtain the best use of water.

Our fields are usually irrigated by drip irrigation
or furrow irrigation.

In order to maintain the characteristics and specifications of the product, all our crops are hand harvested.

This process may not be substituted by any other technique.

Once the product is harvested, is taken in plastic boxes from the field to the grading area.

In this area, the product is selected according to its different uses, industrial or fresh market, by its size, shape, appearance or color.

After being harvested and picked, the product still has the heat from the soil and starts to dehydrate. To delay this process, the product is pre-cooled to extend its life, reaching its destination as if just harvested.

The product is shipped to its destination in the packing required (bins, plastic boxes or cardboard boxes), in refrigerated trailers, which have the right temperature for each product, and are being monitor by temperature recorders.

 All the production processes are supervised. Every seed, every plant, every product, every  shipment and every order is monitored so the product may reach its destination just in time.

©2005 All rights reserved.
From a simple seed Greenhouses Field preparation Plastic mulch Irrigation Harvesting Grading Pre-cooling Refrigerated trailers Production Supervision and monitoring Quality products